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The main difference between air-cooled chillers and water-cooled chillers


What is the difference between an air-cooled chiller an […]

What is the difference between an air-cooled chiller and a water-cooled chiller? Today, Ruihongkang chillers will give you an analysis of their differences from these three aspects. Ordinary people may think that a chiller can be used as long as it can be used, but it is necessary for enterprises to understand the functionality of these two chillers, because large-scale applications are not only expensive. Fei, there may be a big issue, and the right one is the important reason
Initial investment comparison
The necessary supporting facilities for the air-cooled chiller are the chilled water pump water separator and the water collector. However, the water-cooled chiller is a special machine room cooling tower (cooling chilled water pump) water collector and water divider. Obviously, the water-cooled chiller has several more necessary facilities than the air-cooled chiller. Because in the initial investment, the air-cooled chiller is obviously better than the water-cooled chiller.
Performance comparison
The heat transfer temperature difference of the condenser of the water-cooled chiller is generally 4.C-8.C, while the heat transfer temperature difference of the air-cooled chiller is generally 8°C-15°C. Under the same outdoor ambient temperature, the cooling cycle The water temperature of the water is lower than the outdoor air temperature, so the condensing temperature of the air-cooled chiller in normal operation is much higher than that of the water-cooled chiller, so that the air-cooled chiller has the same cooling capacity. The electricity is larger than that of the water-cooled chiller.
Comparison of operating costs
The operation of machinery must use electricity, and the electricity bill is a comparable amount. That is to say, it is necessary to clearly know the operating efficiency and power consumption of the unit. In addition, there must be maintenance in operation, and the maintenance cost must be compared. As mentioned above, the mechanical parts of the air-cooled chiller are less than the water-cooled mechanical parts. In this regard, the maintenance cost of the air-cooled chiller is indeed less. for water-cooled chillers.
Industrial chillers are divided into water-cooled industrial chillers and air-cooled industrial chillers. The difference between them is mainly the difference in condensers. The condenser of the water-cooled chiller mainly removes heat by circulating cooling water, so the condenser of the water-cooled chiller is also commonly called a water cannon. Different from the water-cooled type, the air-cooled industrial chiller uses a fan for heat dissipation. A finned condenser is usually used. The fins actually refer to aluminum sheets. The parts that need heat exchange are externally installed with aluminum sheets to achieve efficient heat dissipation, and then the hot air is drawn out through a powerful fan. Therefore, when the temperature of the workshop is high, the air-cooled chiller will not only be affected by itself (the high temperature of the condenser will directly cause the high-pressure alarm of the industrial chiller, and the cooling capacity will decrease), it will also have a direct impact on the temperature of the workshop. The advantages of water-cooled chillers are obvious. Water-cooled industrial chillers require circulating cooling water from a cooling tower to cool down. Therefore, to use a water-cooled chiller, it is more cumbersome to install cooling tower cooling water circulating pump pipes. Compared with air-cooled industrial chillers, the ease of movement pales in comparison. But in most cases factories are already equipped with cooling water circulation system.

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